Well-known new Swiss offset customers

Since the beginning of the year, the <link www.stadt-zuerich.ch/content/portal/de/index.html _blank external-link-new-window>City of Zurich</link> has been buying a myclimate ticket for all flights directly and automatically at the time of booking. This is possible through the linking of the myclimate emissions calculator to AirPlus, a payment system for business trips. The same link will also be used by <link www.seco.admin.ch _blank external-link-new-window>SECO </link>from 1 July, who will in future realize all flights in a climate-neutral way. As an ETH spin-off, we are especially happy that from this year on, the <link www.env.ethz.ch _blank external-link-new-window>Department Umweltwissenschaften (Department of Environmental Sciences, D-UWIS)</link> of the ETH, from which myclimate emerged, is flying climate-neutrally. Various groups and institutes of the ETH have been myclimate customers right from the beginning; the D-UWIS is now the first department that introduces the compensation for all groups and institutes.

Stay informed!