Resource efficiency in the printing sector: a pioneering project in Valais

myclimate has been partners with the Swiss printing industry for many years. Valmedia, a printing business which is already actively involved in climate protection, is now also championing the cause of resource efficiency. Calculations from, the Swiss Network for Resource Efficiency, have turned into to concrete action plans.

<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Valmedia</link> from Visp in Valais noticed the offer from <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window"></link> and with help from our experts they analysed the potential for improvement. As our first partner in the printing industry, Valmedia is, on the basis of this analysis, implementing these concrete measures towards the improvement of resource efficiency. The increase in resource efficiency allows the business to exploit two potentials: to improve their own economic potential and simultaneously reduce their ecological footprint.

Two factors are thereby of particular interest here. Through an optimisation of internal logistics 5% of paper used per year can be spared in the materials sector. Furthermore Valmedia is striving towards a 30% reduction in energy costs. These potentials can be addressed through immediate measures and will directly increase the competitiveness of the printing company.

Thomas Kreuzer, managing director of Valmedia, puts the measures regarding resource efficiency into a larger context: “Quality and sustainability are important for us and are thus strategically positioned at Valmedia. Since 2009 we are the only Valaisian printing company to produce all their printing products 100% climate-neutrally. We are continually seeking, with small and large measures, to improve our carbon footprint. The focus on resource efficiency is a further step in this direction. Thanks to our philosophy of sustainability we are going into the future with confidence and optimism!”

myclimate can help businesses to increase their resource efficiency, since savings of material and energy in the company and in the supply chain automatically lead to fewer CO₂ emissions. Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU) studies have shown that, with the right measures, companies can improve resource efficiency by up to 30 % within ten years. This enables us to complement our existing offer in the area of consulting and solutions by providing expert help in identifying and exploiting potential in the three areas of CO₂, energy and resources.

Businesses which consult with myclimate about resource efficiency can benefit from<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window"> up to five days consultation free of charge</link>.


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