Energy-Efficient Biomass Cookers and Biomass Pellets

Project type: Biomass , Efficient cook stoves

Project location: India

Project status: Implementation

Annual emission reduction of the whole project: 412,042 t

The efficient cookers project replaces polluting LPG cookers with climate-friendly biomass cookers. Within two years, 4'200 biomass cookers will be sold to communal kitchens, such as restaurants, canteens and schools. An average of 41'204 tonnes of CO₂ per year can be saved.

The biomass cookers are subsidised by carbon credits and can be sold to the communal kitchens with a 25 per cent price reduction. The biomass cooker users also benefit from the cheaper prices of biomass pellets compared to LPG.

An important component of the project is the involvement of green entrepreneurs. These are local agents who resell the biomass cookers in their district to the communal kitchens and are subsequently responsible for their maintenance. The main task of the green entrepreneurs is in the production and supply of their customers with biomass pellets. They buy the biomass remaining on the fields from farmers and process it to biomass pellets. This generates supplemental income for farmers, and allows a large-scale biomass pellet supply chain to be created, which secures the use of efficient biomass cookers in the long term. A lack of access to biomass pellets was previously the main obstacle to switching to the technology of clean biomass cookers. 75 percent of carbon credit funds is invested in the development and training of pellet producers and green entrepreneurs. This enables the promotion of local enterprise and the creation of 500 to 600 jobs.

The project partner is Nishant Bioenergy, an efficient biomass cooker manufacturer. Nishant Bioenergy is an Indian pioneering company, leading in the production of efficient cookers, which has already developed and patented various models. The company is hugely committed to a sustainable development and won the prestigious Ashden Award in 2005 for its technology. 

The project is implemented in entire India. Thanks to its scale and crossregional implementation, the project makes a significant contribution to technology transfer in India.

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Situation without project

Use of fossil fuels (LPG cookstoves)

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