Swisscom has been having its corporate carbon footprint calculated for several years. This was done for the first time in 2016 using myclimate smart 3. Pascal Salina, the responsible manager from the CSR team at Swisscom, drew a positive interim conclusion: “smart 3 is an easy-to-use platform that provides high-quality coverage of very different needs. The transparency and traceability of the calculations were impressive. In general, myclimate smart 3 makes the data collection and processing easier, quicker and less vulnerable to errors.”
Swisscom also quantified the time saved and the more efficient, less error-prone process flows in-house. “We estimated that we can amortise our investment in this platform this year, after using it for only a little more than one year. We did not necessarily expect that,” continued Pascal Salina.
Initially, smart 3 was used at Swisscom to audit the carbon footprint in accordance with ISO 14064. The external auditor of SGS also appreciated the platform. According to Swisscom, the auditing process was performed more efficiently.
After consulting with Swisscom, myclimate wants to further individualise the software. In addition to the “footprint” and “company handprint”, the positive results of the sustainable and entrepreneurial actions of Swisscom are to be in the coming reports, calculated and highlighted by smart 3.
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Successfully implementing a climate and sustainability strategy in a company requires the smart management of CO₂ and resources. myclimate smart 3 provides corporate customers with support in performing the core steps of data collection, consolidation, analysis and reporting. The software is designed to be easy to use and offers a multilingual system with an interactive dashboard. Characteristic of myclimate smart 3 is that it can be set up quickly and significantly speeds up data collection, analysis and reporting.