Apprentices and Pupils win Awards as part of the “Making Zurich Climate Friendly” Education Project

On 12 September, myclimate presented the prizes for the best projects by apprentices and secondary school pupils who had taken part in the “klimafreundliches Züri mitgestalten” [“Making Zurich Climate Friendly”] education project. Several participants from Zurich were honoured for their particular achievements in the presence of city councillor Andreas Hauri. As well as this recognition, the nine teams who were selected also received cash prizes and vouchers to a combined value of 17,500 Swiss francs.

The awards ceremony was the culmination of the “Making Zurich Climate Friendly” project. City councillor Andreas Hauri was full of praise for the young participants’ creative ideas and emphasised the importance of collaboration between the local authorities, business and society in meeting the city’s climate targets. 

myclimate’s “Making Zurich Climate Friendly” education project was made possible by the city of Zurich under the auspices of its “Für Züri” [“For Zurich”] project competition. The money for the projects came from the anniversary dividend of Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB). During the 2022–2023 academic year, it made a total of 210 apprentices and 220 secondary school pupils more aware of environmental issues. 

The winning teams worked on food waste reduction projects, devised a “climate festival” and planned the greening of buildings. In addition to the jury’s prizes, there was also a prize selected by the public. 

The education project was twofold: the “Company Challenge” allowed apprentices within companies to work on projects supporting environmental sustainability, while the “Zukunftswerkstatt” [“Future Workshop”] offered secondary school pupils the opportunity to develop ideas and solutions for resolving environmental problems.

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