Bon Voyage(s) Emile Weber!

myclimate is active globally, not only with our projects, but also with our customers and partners. Read on to find out what Luxembourg bus trips and commercial kitchens in India have in common. A new partner in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Luxembourg tour operator Voyages Emile Weber has sealed a partnership agreement with MyClimateLux ASBL (non-profit organisation). For all bus journeys offered in the 2013 summer catalogue, one percent of the booking price will be invested in myclimate climate protection projects. The catalogue is available in the Voyages Emile Weber travel agencies.

This initiative is related to the corporate responsibility of Voyages Emile Weber, and is declaring the company's ambitions to contribute to sustainable development. This contribution by Voyages Emile Weber and its customers is supporting "Development of biomass stoves for community kitchens in India". The cookers are more environmentally friendly than the liquid gas ovens that were previously used.

Voyages Emile Weber places great importance on supporting this project in collaboration with MyClimateLux, and therefore ensuring sustainable economic development and minimum CARBON emissions in one region in India.

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