Climate Protection Success Story: Baumeler Reisen from Lucerne

There are many examples from Swiss companies that show that a climate protection partnership with myclimate works and is accepted by customers. Michael Mettler, Director Baumeler Travel from Lucerne, explains their success story.

Michael Mettler, director Baumer Reisen

Since 2012, <link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Baumeler</link> has offered its customers the chance to offset their trips in full with myclimate. How are things going to date?

Michael Mettler: The introduction of carbon compensation for our activity trips has proven itself exceptionally well. Every year, 75 percent of our customers offset their trips.

How do you explain this huge success?

We believe that the following three factors are crucial:

  • Baumeler guests are very environmentally aware and know about the importance of sustainable travel
  • Compensation payments are relatively low in relation to the price of trips
  • We have trained our employees and integrated the compensation payments into the sales process

Why has Baumeler decided to make this commitment?

Baumeler Reisen has organised walking, cycling and painting trips since 1960. An important characteristic of a Baumeler trip is slow travel surrounded by nature. If we want to continue to run our business in 50 years, commitment of this kind is required.

Besides compensation with myclimate, how else is Baumeler committed?

The efforts of myclimate in relation to climate education are good instruments to make the generation of tomorrow aware of the challenge of climate protection. Baumeler Reisen has supported the development of myclimate Audio Adventures. Audio Adventures combine education with experiences of nature. These are two features that our guests can also enjoy on Baumeler trips.

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