Man-made climate change is one of the 21st century’s biggest challenges. True to myclimate’s motto “do your best, offset the rest”, it’s best to avoid creating CO2 emissions in the first place. However, as we are unfortunately not able to avoid all emissions and as the most important thing for the climate is to reduce the total volume of emissions worldwide, luckily unavoidable emissions can be offset.
If you collect surprize points, you can donate directly in the digital service one or find out more about the donation campaign under MyCard. The objective is to gather three million surprize points by the end of April. These donated points will be doubled by surprize to a maximum donation volume of six million points. They will then be used to support the myclimate carbon offset project “Climate-optimised forest management in the canton of Solothurn”.
What will the forest project in Solothurn achieve?
Through lower and thus more sustainable wood use, more biomass and hence more carbon is left in the forest. By lessening usage to some extent in the managed forest, a contribution is made to nationwide climate protection efforts in Switzerland. Through the sale of CO2 emissions reduction certificates, myclimate provides compensation for revenue lost to the forestry operation due to the wood not being used. At the same time, the habitat of endangered species of animals is actively supported as part of the project.