10 days of climate friendly cultural freeride touring from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean: This is the attempt of a group of eco-free skiers - 460 km and 30'000 meters of vertical in 10 days!
The uniqueness is that the group assessed the carbon footprint of the whole trip before hand, trying to eco-optimize planning the journey, and evaluate it afterwards to improve current footprint data and methods for sustainable tourism. The initial assessment delivered a carbon footprint of 2.945t CO2 for the whole trip and six people – it will be interesting to see how accurate such eco footprint planning can be after the evaluation.
Updates on the trip will be posted <link www.facebook.com/pages/10-days-of-Freeride-touring-from-Lake-Geneva-to-the-Mediterranean/343249969033232 - external-link-new-window>here</link>.