"What will you eat when you're crossing the Atlantic?" "How fast does your airplane fly?" and "Can you sleep during the flight?" The students, who hailed from everywhere in Switzerland, had all kinds of questions for Bertrand Piccard. The solar pioneer will take off for his earth orbit in his <link www.solarimpulse.com/en/home/ - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Solar Impulse 2</link> in March of next year. An exciting prospect – especially for young Energy and Climate Pioneers. Piccard also enjoyed answering the questions posed to him. He explained to the children that his airplane will never fly faster than cars drive on the highway, and that he can only sleep for 20 minutes at a time.
After the question-and-answer period, all environmental projects of the 46 classes attending the Energy and Climate Party were presented on the main stage and recognised for their commitment. One representative per class came up to accept the Energy and Climate Pioneer certificate. The freestyle artist Knackeboul then heated things up in the Kursaal, bringing the festival to a fittingly emotional close. Overall, 1,000 children and young people attended the event, now in its fourth year.
At the start of the party, EnergieSchweiz was presented as a new partner in the Energy and Climate Pioneers initiative, underscoring the fact that the way energy resources are handled is directly related to climate protection. There was also an amazing premiere: <link www.youtube.com/watch - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">a new film</link> that deals with the topic of energy. The cast from Buchs in St. Gallen worked with the Rheintal buses to realise a brilliant project.
"Energy and Climate Pioneers" is a <link www.swisscom.ch/en/residential.html - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Swisscom</link> initiative run in partnership with Solar Impulse, myclimate and most recently <link www.energieschweiz.ch/de-ch/home.aspx - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">EnergieSchweiz</link>.