Festival del film Locarno and myclimate – a grown partnership

Today, the tickets for the most important film festival in Switzerland <link www.pardo.ch/shop - external-link-new-window>go officially for sale</link>. The final line-up will be announced on Wednesday 17th of July, but the <link www.pardo.ch - external-link-new-window>Festival del film Locarno</link> will of course bring international film stars in the canton of Ticino. Also in this year, the 66th overall, environmental issues play a major role. Therefore, the Festival del film Locarno offsets its unavoidable emissions again with myclimate. Hence, the festival receives the label "climate neutral event".

The partnership between the  Festival del film Locarno and myclimate has grown for three years. Since 2010, both parties work closely together. True to the motto of myclimate "Do your best and offset the rest", the festival organizers endeavour by many other measures to keep their carbon footprint as small as possible. These include the promotion of the public local and long distance transport, the decision for the use of eco-friendly energy or a cooperation with an eBike provider.

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