Getting The Highest Scores with myclimate Services

Every November, major corporations that are serious about climate protection look back on the CDP’s (formerly “Carbon Disclosure Project”) annual rankings. For several years now, myclimate has been offering companies help with meeting CDP standards. Daniel Kammerer, Head of Consulting and Solutions, looks back at some successful projects.

Dr. Daniel Kammerer, Head of myclimate department "Consulting and Solutions"

Daniel, what does myclimate offer companies that take part in the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">CDP</link>?

The experts in our international team for consulting and solutions work together with our partners on an individual basis. We focus on two stages: In the first stage, we help with creating the report and analyse the existing data in terms of completeness and potential improvements. In the next stage, we offer targeted consulting services in order to round off the existing package of measures. In this way, we can increase the disclosure score and help our partners achieve a lasting position in the Performance Band A.

What have been the most successful CDP projects in the past?

In the case of <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Swisscom</link> and <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Adecco</link>, two well-known companies made use of our help to significantly improve their carbon footprint and CO₂ management. This allowed them to achieve a high position in the CDP rankings over a period of time. Swisscom went beyond bringing their score close to the maximum. As an added treat, Swisscom was awarded the Performance Band A for excellent achievements in climate protection during our year of cooperation. Adecco has been able to improve by 50% since we started working with them. Adecco collected and evaluated CO₂-relevant data using our smart web-based platform for CO₂ and resource management.

On 4 November, CDP published the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Global Climate Change Report 2015</link>. Were myclimate’s outstanding achievements included?

Yes! We worked together intensively with a major company, a global market leader in its sector. First of all, this company was able to fulfil the wide-ranging and ambitious criteria for Performance Band A. In addition, the company’s excellent performance won it a spot in the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Carbon Performance Leadership Index</link>, making it one of a selected circle of just over 100 companies worldwide. They also achieved a maximum disclosure score of 100. This company has the top position both among Swiss companies and in its specific category. Due to intra-corporate communication guidelines, however, I cannot give the company's name.

On 4 November, CDP published the Global Climate Change Report. There is a special emphasis on companies that were accepted into the Climate Performance Leadership Index (Climate A Index). CDP has been providing pioneering work for many years in creating a global system of reporting that helps companies deliver environmental and climate-related information to investors. In 2013, more than 5,000 companies, including more than 80% of the largest publically listed companies, decided to publish their climate-change-related data with CDP. myclimate offers companies tailored solutions for submitting a report that meets CDP standards and for continually improving their position in the rankings.

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