Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy brings sustainability to classical music

myclimate and the Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy have agreed a partnership for a long-term sustainability strategy. The goal is to calculate the CO2 emissions of the annual event and the institution as a whole by summer 2022. Based on the findings obtained, a strategy will be developed for the following years to make organisation of the festival as sustainable as possible.

Source: Menuhin Festival Gstaad

Indeed, the founder of the festival, violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, called for all people to have the right to silence, clean air and pure water, to forests and meadows, and to food. According to Menuhin, this should form part of all nations’ constitutions. The collaboration with myclimate is an initial step towards turning the commitment to protect the environment into action. After all, the music festival takes place in a mountain region that is directly affected by climate change, so the organisers have a responsibility to examine and adapt their activities in line with social transformation. 

With myclimate’s carbon footprint calculation, the festival organisers can discover which areas of the festival cause the most CO2 emissions. This step then permits further short-, medium- or long-term measures for reduction of CO2 emissions and implementation of effective sustainability measures. These steps are to be planned and implemented over the next few years as part of an overall sustainability strategy.  

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