Over the last year, companies, institutions and private individuals have offset more than 600,000 tonnes of CO₂ via myclimate. But the CO₂ reductions achieved in the projects are increasing even faster than the CO₂ offsets sold. In the 76 global myclimate climate protection projects in 30 countries, 860,000 tonnes of CO₂ have effectively been saved over the same period.
This reflects the harvest time that has now begun: following the start-up phase, many projects are now reducing CO₂ emissions considerably. The development of the myclimate climate protection projects with their rapidly increasing CO₂ reductions is progressing perfectly in line with the foundation’s goals of climate protection and sustainability. The projects are reaching increasing numbers of people and in doing so are spreading their impact. The projects that reduce emissions at the level of individual families or communities in particular are growing at a rapid pace. Some projects are actually achieving considerably greater CO₂ reductions than originally expected. Nevertheless, the potential for global climate protection projects still remains enormous.
This huge potential is, however, currently faced with significantly slower growth in the demand for CO₂ compensation. With its project portfolio and more than 50 further projects up its sleeve, myclimate would be able to make significant further reductions in emissions and achieve a great deal more climate protection.
The foundation’s total revenue, including the areas of Climate Education and Carbon Management Services, amounted to over 12.7 million Swiss francs in 2013.
Annual Report as a Unique Premium Printed Product
For the 2013 annual report, the long-standing agency partner of myclimate, KSP (Krieg Schlupp Partner Werbeagentur AG) from Zurich, has once again chosen a surprising new approach. Under the heading <link www.theoneandonly.myclimate.org/en/ _blank external-link>"The one and only"</link>, a single annual report has been produced, making it unique in the truest sense of the word. This report is all the more special: printed on paper from sustainable sources and bound in wood from a myclimate climate protection project in Brazil, the annual report provides a great insight into the activities of myclimate with many details and great images. All key figures and text are also available <link www.theoneandonly.myclimate.org - external-link>online for quick access</link>.