Mr Rumo, you have ten seconds to explain your company and its unique offers to someone who is not acquainted with it. What are your basic messages and arguments?
We are a centre of excellence for indoor climate products. Through our four business divisions – Dehumidification, Heating, Air Conditioning and Cleaning – we offer comprehensive solutions in all climate disciplines. Krüger + Co. AG is the only provider in Switzerland with expertise in all areas and nationwide coverage. We help out when it is too cold, too warm or too wet, clean up after water damage and leaks, or remove mould. We also offer comprehensive advice with respect to all services.
Give us an idea: Where might we meet with Krüger products and solutions in the immediate vicinity of “myclimate” (Zurich, district 5)?
With reference to “myclimate”, it is primarily a question of heating winter construction sites. We ensure that tradesmen can work whatever the weather, and that clients can carry out their projects without interruptions. At the Hotel Storchen – right by the Limmat river – we contributed to the full renovation of the hotel, including 35 rooms, being possible in the record time of six and a half weeks during the winter months.
Your climate protection commitment bears the title “150t”. What is the thinking behind that?
We have decided to compensate for 150 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. It is extremely important to us to make a commitment to climate topics, which is why we will continuously review our participation and the targeted quantities. There is always room for more.
You have chosen two projects for compensation purposes. What influenced your choice for compensation in Switzerland and India?
In Lucerne and Aargau we have supported biogas plants from the start. This sends out a clear signal. We are affected directly by the Swiss climate; there is also need for global thinking on an indirect level, however, to take care of the climate. Our two projects underline this approach. India wants to be more involved in climate protection. We want to support this and make an active contribution through biogas for rural households.
Are you meeting a customer demand or living up to your company’s own model through the partnership with “myclimate”?
Both. Reducing the proportion of fossil fuels must be a common goal. For our heating systems that are operated using oil or gas, there is unfortunately only one alternative at present. Building heating for a large project can be achieved using wood pellets, but this creates considerable emissions and produces particulates. In heavily developed areas, like district 5 in Zurich, this is not feasible. We are thus intensively working on the development of sustainable systems and are on the lookout for new technologies. Sustainability is practised every single day at Krüger + Co. AG. The climate is no longer a marginal subject, which is why more and more companies are focussed on sustainable solutions. We sense that our customers are very interested in our partnership with “myclimate”.
Krüger AG from Degersheim compensates for its emissions through the myclimate projects “Biogas Plants Reduce Methane Emissions in the Cantons of Lucerne and Aargau, Switzerland” and “Biogas for Rural Households” in equal portions.