KYOCERA PRINT GREEN solutions now in Austria as well

Due to the great success in Germany, KYOCERA is now offering its customers in Austria the option to print climate neutrally. Together with myclimate and the German Umwelthilfe the expert for document management developed the program "<link>PRINT GREEN</link>".

Through this program KYOCERA aims to act together with its clients and thus compensation all emissions which are produced over the complete life cycle of printers or multifunctional device.

About 30 percent of the CO₂ emissions generated in printers life account for generation of raw materials, production, transportation and disposal of the device. 70 percent of the emissions by contrast are caused by the use of the system. With PRINT GREEN you can now offset the entire amount. "If a customer decides to use PRINT GREEN, of course, he pays only for the emissions that occur during the use phase. About one-third of the compensation amount will then be carried by KYOCERA. Finally, the customer receives a certificate and PRINT GREEN sticker, with whom he can prove that the particular system prints climate neutrally.

Michael Mark, Head of Branch Office KYOCERA Document Solutions Austria GmbH, is sure that PRINT GREEN provides customers a real additional benefit. Mark: “Environmental protection gets more and more important for Austrian companies. Companies increase their investment into sustainable technologies. With our resource efficient ECOSYSY technology together with PRINT GREEN customers can improve their CO₂ balance in a sustainable way.”  


<link>KYOCERA Document Solutions Österreich</link> 

<link>PRINT GREEN in Austria</link>


<link>KYOCERA Document Solutions Deutschland</link>

<link></link><link>PRINT GREEN in Germany</link>

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