myclimate is climate partner of the Swiss Green Economy Symposium

Since 2013, the Swiss Green Economy Symposium has been showing concrete examples of how business, politics, science and NGOs can work together to increase prosperity, protect the environment and live together more peacefully. Joint exchange promotes mutual learning. Innovative solutions will be discussed and recipes for success shared. myclimate is the climate partner of the event and is represented at two panel discussions.

The Swiss Green Economy Symposium and myclimate join forces

myclimate supports this year's symposium as exclusive climate partner. The partnership underscores the common interests in the development of an ecologically sustainable economy. In addition to the partnership, several employees of the myclimate foundation are actively involved in various panels of the Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2019. For the Innovation Forum IF.02, Andreas Opprecht, Corporate Partnerships Manager at myclimate, discusses the ecological and health consequences of modern nutrition. Questions on how to improve the entire value chain will be answered.Cornelia Rutishauser, also Corporate Partnerships Manager at myclimate, will take part in a discussion on sustainability in tourism at the Innovation Forum IF.06. With her many years of industry experience, she and other experts will provide insights into the sustainable future of one of the most relevant Swiss industries.


The basic values of the Swiss Green Economy Symposium

Green economy means more than 'green business'. According to the UN, the Green Economy encompasses all three dimensions of sustainable development: the economy, society and the environment. In concrete terms: economic growth, social integration and prosperity as well as environmental protection. According to the UN, the economy plays a central role in achieving these goals. The symposium sees sustainable development as a joint learning process for a better quality of life in the sense of the UN Agenda 2030. Progress will be made especially when the expertise of all stakeholders is mobilised and the economy can develop its innovative dynamism. The symposium is a neutral platform for sustainable business. It encourages dialogue and the crossing of entrepreneurial boundaries.


Registration still possible

The Swiss Green Economy Symposium will take place on 03 September 2019 in Winterthur. Interested parties can register for the numerous events here.

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