myclimate Jubilee Grant for innovative carbon offset projects

To celebrate its 10-year anniversary, myclimate is providing 100,000 euros to support three carbon offset projects in Kenia, Uganda and Sri Lanka.

To celebrate its 10-year anniversary, myclimate is providing 100,000 euros to support three climate protection projects, which are either very small or at a very early stage of development.

In Nairobi, Kenya, myclimate is cooperating with the "Takataka Solutions" organisation, which provides affordable and climate-friendly waste management services. 80 percent of waste is recycled and composted, thus creating jobs. In Uganda myclimate is supporting the "Green Heat Biogas in Schools" project, which is constructing biogas plants for two schools and a hospital. The third project is located in Sri Lanka, where the Swiss organisation "<link - external-link-new-window>Water for the Third World</link>" is implementing so-called "Swiss Pedal Pumps (PEPs)". These climate-friendly irrigation systems replace environmentally harmful diesel pumps and thus help small farmers to return to farming after the civil war. Further information can be found on our website as soon as the implementation of the projects begins.

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