For the successful implementation of a climate and sustainability strategy within a company, you need smart CO₂ and resource management. myclimate smart 3 supports business customers with the core steps of data collection, consolidation, evaluation and reporting. The software is set out for user-friendliness and offers a multilingual system with interactive dashboard. myclimate smart 3 stands out for its rapid set-up and significant time-saving for data recording, analysis and reporting.
Great emphasis has been placed on the programming and flexibility. The system is thus individually configurable and can be adapted to new requirements at any time. The data consolidation and evaluations can be presented dynamically at the chosen level of analysis, be it division, country, location, etc. The reporting can be directed towards the most important international CO₂ standards (GHG, ISO, CDP, GRI) as well as towards other environmental indicators. Another new feature will be an estimate of the impacts in relation to the UN Sustainability Development Goals. The security of the data entered is guaranteed. A central point of data storage with back-up provides additional security.
After the test phase, the first users of the new software are convinced. “Thanks to the competent advice and the myclimate smart 3 software, we are familiar enough with our own carbon footprint to know where we can have the greatest effect. The user-friendly software makes it possible for all of us to input data from our approximately 100 widely differing plants efficiently, but also reliably and transparently,” says Erik Schmausser, Project Manager for Energy and Environment at <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Energie 360°</link>.
Daniel Kammerer, Head of the Consulting and Solutions department at myclimate, adds: “With our many years of experience and expertise, we aim to support our partners efficiently, strategically and in line with their needs in order to successfully implement their climate and sustainability strategies. With myclimate smart 3, we are offering a new effective tool for precisely this purpose, with attractive initial and upkeep costs.”