Just a few weeks ago its new Managing Director, <link www.act-schweiz.ch/fr/actuel/meldungen/20140225_Meldung.php - external-link>Thomas Schildknecht</link>, was introduced. Since receiving its mandate, <link www.act-schweiz.ch/fr/index.php - external-link>act</link> has already quickly recruited almost forty specialists to its network. These specialists help companies with the processes involved in target-setting agreements for climate and energy efficiency. They therefore support compliance with the federal and cantonal CO₂ and energy bill, and thus also assist with potential reimbursement of energy and climate levies.
<link www.act-schweiz.ch/fr/ueber-uns/Profil.php - external-link>act is an organisation with a broad operating base</link>, which supports businesses in the efficient use of resources. As one of the five founding and support organisations of act, myclimate is heavily involved in the implementation of the project. So in addition to its previous activities, which were mainly focused on the voluntary market, myclimate is now taking on an important and ambitious role in the execution of the national climate-friendly energy transformation. myclimate therefore offers firms in Switzerland a comprehensive overall package when it comes to the reduction of CO₂ emissions and the increase in energy efficiency.