Reinforcements at the top of myclimate

As of September 2007, Alain Schilli joins myclimate as deputy managing director. He brings 15 years of experience in the area of environment and energy. Alain Schilli headed the Energy and Environmental Management section at the engineering firm Amstein + Walthert AG Zurich for several years, and collaborated in energy projects with the Wuppertal Institute and the Bundesamt für Energie (Federal office for energy).

Alain Schilli headed the Energy and Environmental Management section at the engineering firm Amstein + Walthert AG Zurich for several years, and collaborated in energy projects with the Wuppertal Institute and the Bundesamt für Energie (Federal office for energy). Alain Schilli gained international experience as a senior manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Kessler Marsh Network in the area of the sustainability consultation, environmental due diligence and risk management. He worked on, for example, projects for emissions trade as well as carbon asset and liability management, and collaborated in the GHG protocol at the end of the 90s. He defines his motivation for his commitment to myclimate as follows: "Climate warming is everywhere right now, in the media, in company strategies or in personal concernment. As citizens of this world, or as entrepreneurs, we are now challenged to accept responsibility - voluntarily, with specific action, credibly and understandably. The myclimate foundation is excellently positioned as an international player. It has exceptional know-how and a unique network at its command. I would like to be able to successfully strengthen and further develop both these values and also the rapid growth through the trust repeatedly placed in myclimate by the customers!"

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