State-Owned Forestry Company in Austria Uses myclimate Smart 3

Austria’s state-owned forestry company Österreichische Bundesforste Ltd. is directly owned by the Republic of Austria and is the largest landowner in the country. In 2011, Österreichische Bundesforste Ltd.worked alongside myclimate. The partnership has included an annual review of the company’s carbon footprint. Due to its broad structure and specific requirements, the platform solution myclimate smart 3 was used for the first time in 2017 for the collection and evaluation of environmental data.

photo credit: ÖBf-Archiv / W. Simlinger

myclimate smart3 for the annual collection and evaluation of its entire environmental data. The various data is consolidated and evaluated via myclimate smart3. The software automatically creates tables and graphics for the environmental data report.

These environmental data include basic data and operating figures, electricity and heat consumption of the associated real estate, fuel consumption of vehicles and machinery, water consumption and sanitation, operating supplies for office operations, and waste data. Based on this data pool, myclimate smart 3 calculates CO₂ emissions and designates them separately to the areas of electricity, heat and fuel consumption.

“Österreichische Bundesforste Ltd. is subdivided into 16 organisational units and a number of separate operations. As a result, efficient collection, analysis and consolidated evaluation were always complex and challenging. By filling in data sheets and merging the results in Excel format, we have come up against limits in terms of traceability, evaluability and presentation of time series and have therefore been looking for a database solution. In Switzerland we finally found what we were looking for. The use of myclimate smart 3 represented a clear step forward for us. Due to the reduced expenditure of effort and better results, we can now focus even more on achieving our ambitious climate targets,” says Dr. Susanne Langmair-Kovacs, who is responsible for sustainability and environmental protection.

Nature Company with Special Responsibility

Österreichische Bundesforste Ltd. was founded in 1923 from the possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. As a nature company owned by the Republic of Austria, it bears special responsibility for natural resources and habitats. Sustainability is at the forefront: natural regrowth can no longer be assumed, and at the same time, economic success is linked to the protection of nature, the environment, and social well-being.

As part of its <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">climate protection strategy</link>, Österreichische Bundesforste Ltd. has set itself the 2020 goal of reducing CO₂ emissions by 16% compared to 2010. The plan is thus to save more than 16,800 tonnes of CO₂.

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