Reto Knutti is Professor of Climate Physics at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich. In addition Reto Knutti is co-author of the IPCC climate report. The professor and his research group investigate how increasing emissions of greenhouse gases influence the global climate. With the aid of different climate models, they develop methods that enable future impacts on the climate to be quantified and the uncertainties relating to them to be identified.
Reto Knutti explains why he supports myclimate ideologically, as follows: “Politicians aim to limit global warming to two degrees Celsius. This would be feasible in an economical and technological context. However, time is running out and current political efforts are inadequate. For the climate it is irrelevant when and where CO₂ is emitted – it is only relevant to talk about emissions on a global scale. Researchers show ways in which the two-degree target can be achieved. They are developing new technologies both for climate protection and for adaptation to climate change. And they are training the young people of today, who will have to deal with climate change in the future. myclimate arose as a spin-off of the ETH and the ETH has helped them to develop the flight calculator further. Through this, CO₂ emissions can be offset elsewhere through suitable projects, as every gram of CO₂ saved counts for the climate – no matter where. myclimate makes an important contribution to this.”
The myclimate Patronage Committee includes Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Mohammed Yunus and Dr Claude Marti, longstanding Director of WWF International.