To celebrate its 10-year anniversary, myclimate has provided 100,000 euros to support three climate protection projects, which are either very small or at a very early stage of development. In Nairobi, Kenya, myclimate is cooperating with the "Takataka Solutions" organisation, which provides affordable and climate-friendly waste management services. 80 percent of waste is recycled and composted, thus creating jobs and avoiding methane emissions.
The project is performing well according to a recent report. During the last months more than 16'000 people took advantage of the waste management service in the least development quarters of the Kenyan capital. More than 500 tonnes of organic waste has been collected and turned into biological compost. For ten more young adults the professional education at Takataka offers new and great opportunities.
The second project is located in Uganda where myclimate is supporting the "Green Heat Biogas in Schools" project. The project partner is constructing biogas plants for two schools and a hospital. The third project is located in Sri Lanka, where the Swiss organisation "Water for the Third World" is implementing climate-friendly irrigation systems.