The next YES Course “Low Emission Strategies in Practise” – Register Now!

From 5-18 July, the next YES course will bring together young people from all parts of the world at the renowned CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) in Turrialba, Costa Rica. A new film shows why you should attend.

The YES course in Costa Rica covers the following topics:

  • Strategies for addressing and adapting to climate change (land use, energy transformations),
  • Exploration of sustainable business models and policies with experts from the worlds of business and academia
  • and not least the improvement of personal skills in project planning and communication

Costa Rica is known for its pioneering role in the area of sustainable land use and has caused quite a stir with Youth Encounter on Sustainability) therefore returns to where the myclimate story began. 13 years ago at a YES course in Costa Rica, the idea of myclimate was born.

Applications are still being accepted

There is still a chance to attend the YES course. The deadline for applications is 15 May. Click <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">here</link> for the registration documents.Click <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">here</link> for the concrete course program.

New YES film

The course will be the fourth under the patronage of myclimate. Together with the agency <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Jim & Jim</link> from Zurich, myclimate has made <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">a film</link> of the last YES course in Switzerland. This shows you more about the YES courses and their participants. The contributors to the film include Reto Knutti, climate scientist and a new member of the myclimate Patronage Committee, <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Dr Stefan Gara</link> and Martin Sturzenegger, Director of <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Zurich Tourism</link>. They discuss the YES courses in particular and a sustainable future in general.

Click on <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">this link</link> to view the film!

YES courses by myclimate are dedicated to build a network of committed leaders, crafting a sustainable future for all. In order to make the transformation towards a sustainable society happen, future decision makers need to know about key sustainability issues in an integrated and systemic way. To build these capacities, Youth Encounter on Sustainability YES offers intensive two-week trainings on human well-being within the boundaries of our planet. The courses are directed to students and young professionals from all disciplines and regions. More than 1500 YES alumni from 140 countries say that the YES courses and community have had a lasting impact on their professional, academic and personal development.

Stay informed!