Trailblazing mobility for the future – BlaBlaCar integrates climate protection

BlaBlaCar is the first and most important mobility provider in Germany to automatically integrate climate protection into its offering. As of 1 August, all rideshares that are booked online with BlaBlaCar will be offset with myclimate projects. The BlaBlaCar community will hold a vote to determine itself which project it will support.

BlaBlaCar, AXA and myclimate media event in Hamburg, from left Dominik Orbach (AXA), Olivier Bremer (BlaBlaCar Germany), moderator Fritz Lietsch and Stefan Baumeister (General Manager myclimate Deutschland)

“While many stakeholders in politics, business and society have just begun talking about their contribution to reaching the climate goals Managing Director of myclimate Deutschland, during his presentation of the offering to a group of journalists.

The <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">“CO₂-neutral rideshare”</link> is a fixed part of the user’s service package when making a booking. Just as is the case with <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">insurance protection with AXA</link>, offsetting will be fully integrated into the booking fee that BlaBlaCar will be introducing in Germany as of 1 August. “As long as the era of combustion motors continues, it will be our goal to make private mobility on the streets CO₂-neutral. For this reason, we will institute standard offsetting for the CO₂-emissions of all rideshares in Germany that are booked on BlaBlaCar. We are very glad to have found such a strong partner as myclimate for this pioneer project,” said Olivier Bremer, General Manager BlaBlaCar Deutschland.

myclimate and BlaBlaCar worked together, using the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">TREMOD model</link> developed by the IFEU Institute on behalf of the Environment Ministry, to calculate weighted average emissions figures for the BlaBlaCar fleet. This is broken down based on the individuals sharing the ride and multiplied by the distance covered. The CO₂ value resulting from this is automatically offset by BlaBlaCar in myclimate climate protection projects.

Community votes on the project

The choice of which project will offset the rideshares is in the hands of the BlaBlaCar community. From 15 July to 31 July, BlaBlaCar members have the opportunity to vote for their preferred project “FSC Wood Chips replace Fossil Fuels in the Amazon Rainforest”, “Back to Green Island with Solar Stoves” in Madagascar and “Cooking with Corncobs instead of Coal” in the Shanxi province of China.

With over 30 million members,<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window"> BlaBlaCar</link> is the largest long-distance rideshare app in the world. Per quarter, 10 million travellers around the world trust BlaBlaCar to organize their trips and split their travel costs.

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