Wanted: Designer of the future of urban logistics

myclimate offers companies and organisations the opportunity to switch to eCargo bikes or trikes within the scope of a Swiss climate protection programme. These are clean, flexible and low-noise solutions for transportation over the “last mile”. We are looking for pioneering enterprises, who wish to help eCargo bikes make a breakthrough. Both in view of your image and budget, participation is worth it.

Less space – more freedom of movement: eCargo trikes and bikes boost quality of life in cities.

The myclimate programme supports the increased application of eCargo bikes for the transporting of goods in inner-​city traffic, thereby reducing exhaust fume emissions and noise pollution as well as improving air quality and road space. This helps to reduce CO₂ and other polluting emissions and eases road traffic.

As part of the myclimate programme, owners of eCargo bikes benefit from an annual payment from the sale of CO₂-certificates, which can be used to cover some of the purchase cost. This project enables the constant expansion of the bike fleet and guarantees the success of the sustainable traffic concept in the long term.

The eCargo bikes are purchased and operated by the participating companies. As well as contributing to vital emission reductions, programme participants also play a leading role in carrying through innovative city logistics concepts. Such concepts are absolutely essential to ensure a high standard of living in cities now and in the future.


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