Support programme for vessels with eco-friendly propulsion venti35 in Switzerland

Project type: Energy Efficiency

Project location: Switzerland

Project status: Active, exclusive

Annual emission reduction of the whole project: 65 t CO2

The support programme for electric vessels encourages the use of alternative propulsion technologies on Swiss waters. The conversion of conventional diesel vessels to electric motors saves fossil fuels and thus avoids CO2 emissions. In addition to CO2 reduction, environmentally friendly ship propulsion systems also contribute to reduced particulate matter and noise pollution in the region. 



The number of vessels with alternative propulsion on Swiss waters is currently very low. When buying or refurbishing a boat, conventional diesel power is still the first choice for owners. High investment costs and lack of experience with renewable energy technologies in shipping are deemed to be the main obstacles. The FOEN-registered funding supports the use of electric motors in newly acquired or converted vessels. The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) issues certificates for CO2 savings coming from the acquisition or conversion of these vessels. The proceeds from the sale of these certificates enables the shipping companies to plan their capital outlays more profitably in the medium term.  

The support programme has been developed by the Società di Navigazione del Lago di Lugano within the framework of the Venti35 project. It operates across the whole of Switzerland with the backing of myclimate. 

Where does the funding come from? 
This climate protection programme is made possible by funding from the KliK Foundation. Go to our information page to find out how the funding mechanism works for mandatory carbon offsetting. 

The programme is open to all shipping companies and operators across Switzerland, as long as the conditions of participation are fulfilled.  

Register your vessel today. 

  1. Fill in the registration form before awarding a contract for refurbishment or signing a sales agreement for the investment concerned, sign it and submit it to myclimate together with the supplementary documents required. 

  1. Once the documents have been signed and approved, a support contract is drawn up. 

  1. The refurbishment contract can now be awarded or the sales agreement signed, as applicable. 

  1. Once the vessels have been brought into service, data must be made available to myclimate annually for monitoring purposes. This data will be used by myclimate to calculate the savings in CO2 emissions for submission to the FOEN. 

  1. Once the certificate has been issued by the FOEN, the funding will be paid out. 


Foundation myclimate
tel. +41 44 500 43 50 


This project contributes to 2 SDG's*

*as at the end of 2023. Find out how myclimate reports these SDGs in our FAQ.

The programme helps avoid air and noise pollution through the use of vessels with renewable technologies.

This programme means CO2 emissions are avoided. 

Situation without project

Use of diesel vessels

Project standard


Project number


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