Educational Portfolio for Companies

A woman dressed in dark clothing stands in front of a whiteboard titled "Chancen," covered with colorful sticky notes in different categories. She smiles and points to one of the sections. Large windows in the background let in natural light.

Target group: Specialist and management staff in companies

Offer: Workshops for companies, can be ideally combined with each other

With the myclimate Educational Portfolio for Companies, your specialist and management staff can acquire targeted knowledge and skills on the topics of climate change and climate protection and implement measures within your company. The individual modules can be combined flexibly and adapted to your employees’ needs. 

What does this programme achieve?

Specialist and management staff actively shape the company’s path to its net-zero target by acquiring relevant climate change skills and developing and implementing specific climate protection solutions. 

Specific benefits

Specialist and management staff…

A blue icon of a magnifying glass, symbolizing search or investigation.

…identify risks, opportunities and areas for action in the company with regard to climate change and climate protection.

A blue icon of a light bulb, symbolizing ideas, innovation, or energy efficiency.

…gain in-depth knowledge on climate change and climate protection. 

A blue icon of two hands holding a plant, symbolizing environmental awareness and sustainable growth.

…acquire climate protection skills in the emission areas relevant to the company and discuss various key issues such as mobility, nutrition and climate communication.

A blue icon of an upward line with four dots, symbolizing growth, progress, or data analysis.

…actively promote sustainable solutions within the company through specific climate protection ideas. In so doing, they incorporate targeted measures into their specific areas and professional context.

A blue icon of a lightning bolt, symbolizing energy or electricity.

…experience self-efficacy and empowerment.

What the participants say

All employees are enthusiastic about the modules in the myclimate education portfolio and more and more employees are taking part in each workshop.

Ronia Hutterli, Teamleader & Senior Consultant, Promotion Tools AG

The educational portfolio for companies: modular structure for maximum impact

Module Module impact

Creating understanding 

climate@business Specialist and management staff understand how relevant climate protection is to the company and are motivated to make an effective contribution.


Acquire knowledge on climate protection in the key areas of food and mobility, and discover just how relevant these emission areas are to finding solutions within your company.

Developing specific measures 

Company Challenge for Employees

Specialist and management staff develop project ideas for climate protection in the company and prepare their implementation. 
& solutions@mobility
Promoting climate protection in the company by getting employees on board with food and mobility projects.

Promoting climate protection in the company by getting employees on board with food and mobility projects.

Internal communication Understanding the relevance of effective and empathetic climate communication in order to successfully implement climate protection in the company. 
Environmental psychology  Understanding the behaviour and role of people in the sustainability transformation.  

Climate protection is one of the key issues of our time and will fundamentally change the private sector over the coming years, significantly impacting many peoples’ careers.

In order to achieve Switzerland’s net-zero target, it is essential to involve specialist and management staff in their companies’ sustainability transformation, as their extensive knowledge gives them the ability to drive forward targeted measures. The myclimate Educational Portfolio for Companies focuses on employees and their skills and potential. The modular structure takes into account both the industry-specific context and specialist and management staff’s prior knowledge. In this way, myclimate creates a tailor-made solution for your company. In the foundation modules, participants can delve into various aspects of the topic and acquire relevant expertise. In the specialisation modules, specialist and management staff develop specific solutions for their company and focus on specific areas. 

It was important for us to start with decision-makers: our top management and even the board received intensive training for half a day from myclimate’s experienced team. The content was varied, appropriate to the participants’ level and tailored to their needs.

Cédric Baier, Head of Sustainability at Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG


projects developed


specialist and management staff reached through different formats


educational programmes to support companies in their climate transformation

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