In April 2011, bio-familia and O. Kleiner jointly launched climate-neutral packaging in conjunction with myclimate. All familia muesli packaging has been climate-neutral since late 2015.
Hans Blum, Environmental Officer at <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">bio-familia</link> in Sachseln/OW, explains why the family company chose to follow this innovative path five years ago and has since done so with total commitment.
Where did the idea to work with O. Kleiner to develop climate-neutral packaging come from in the first place?
As an innovator in organic agriculture, bio-familia AG has been involved in the sustainable use of natural resources for years. bio-familia’s interest in protecting the environment and its resources can be divided into four primary strategy areas. One of these is the strategy of avoidance. In climate-neutral packaging from the very beginning.
Why did you choose myclimate as a partner?
The unavoidable CO₂ emissions generated by packaging are offset by our climate protection projects. With myclimate, O. Kleiner and Wipf AG we now have very credible partners in the area of climate-neutral packaging.
What were your most important findings since the introduction of climate-neutral packaging?
Environmentally-friendly measures and climate protection are increasingly less of an option than a market requirement. Climate-neutral packaging is just one component of our <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">varied climate protection measures</link>. With the implementation of climate-neutral packaging, however, we have also taken a major lead over our competitors.
How important are environmental and sustainability measures in your company?
Environmental and sustainability measures are firmly anchored in our company's history. We are taking many different measures to achieve our ambitious goal of being a climate-neutral operation within five to to ten years.
Please finish the following sentence: "Products from familia stand out..."
… because they have been produced by muesli and organic pioneer bio-familia since 1959 in Sachseln, in the heart of Switzerland, with great care and commitment. The fine and balanced familia muesli products consist of selected natural ingredients in a climate-neutral package.