Carbon-balanced building materials including climate protection contribution

Based on existing EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) and our web-based platform myclimate-Calculate, manufacturers of building materials can flexibly calculate CO2 emissions on an order-specific basis and financially support climate protection projects with a corresponding sum. In this way, they can offer their customers building materials in connection with the myclimate Label “Engaged for Impact”.


The building materials and building sector contributes to a large proportion of greenhouse gases in Germany and must drastically reduce its CO2 emissions by 2045. Politicians are demanding it. And customer demand is rising. This presents construction and materials manufacturers with major challenges. Because up to now, the technological or economic solutions for completely CO2-free production often do not yet exist.

For all companies that also want to achieve their climate target, myclimate now offers an integrated solution that takes climate protection into account with a corresponding funding contribution. This makes it possible for manufacturers of building material to flexibly make an individually calculated climate protection contribution based on existing EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) with the help of our web-based platform myclimate-Calculate, and thus to offer products with the myclimate Label “Engaged for Impact”


Areas of application

  • Flexible and needs-based calculation of CO2 emissions for individual products, product groups or orders in connection with a climate protection contribution
  • Supplement your range with carbon-balanced building products complete with a climate protection contribution
  • Calculation is based on verified EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations)
  • Integrated order booking and billing via the web-based solution myclimate-Calculate


Your benefit

The construction and materials industry is material- and energy-intensive, with many manufacturers generating a large proportion of the resulting CO2 emissions from upstream and downstream process chains (Scope 3). A full climate protection contribution that corresponds to the level of these CO2 emissions is not yet an option for many manufacturers.

With its industry solution, myclimate now offers every manufacturer and supplier of building materials the possibility of flexibly contributing to climate protection projects for even smaller emission quantities as needed.

  • Pay as you go: as a manufacturer of building materials, you can make flexible climate protection contributions for individual customer projects, single orders or entire product groups – based entirely on your needs. Involve your customers in the flexible selection of climate-friendly products.
  • Position yourself as a pioneer in tenders by offering your products with the myclimate Label “Engaged for Impact”.
  • Choose from various high-quality myclimate climate protection projects that meet the highest standards (Gold Standard, Plan Vivo, VCS (incl. CBB or SD-VISta)).
  • Direct access and maximum transparency thanks to myclimate’s climate protection label, which comes with a QR code for tracking and individual confirmation of the climate protection contribution
  • Get started immediately with existing EPDs (DIN 15804)


Get more information on climate-neutral building materials in our Factsheet.



We answer your questions

What does it cost?

An annual service fee is charged for the implementation and maintenance of our IT solution. The service fees may vary depending on the quantity of product groups to be considered. A detailed cost breakdown is available upon request. Therefore please contact Irina Brehm, myclimate Team leader Product Solutions.

For the financing of climate protection projects based on the calculated emissions, you receive a selection of high-quality projects from myclimate with a fixed price per tonne of CO2. You determine the exact volume for the climate protection contribution. The financial contributions can be tax-deductible as a donation.


What happens if I as a company already finance climate protection projects?

Climate protection contributions already made and relevant to the product on the basis of CO₂ balances are taken into account by us at the end of a financial year and credited to you. If you are already financing climate protection projects through another provider, you can provide us with corresponding evidence of your climate protection investments.

Can I advertise my products with the myclimate impact-label even though I do not contribute to climate protection projects?

After concluding the service contract, you can offer your customers the option for a product including climate protection contribution and advertise it accordingly. Our impact label "Engaged for impact" and proof of origin for the product including climate protection contribution only applies to products for which you have demonstrably paid climate protection contributions.

I don´t have an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for my products, what can I do?

myclimate specializes in the calculation and preparation of life cycle assessments. If required, our specialists can also prepare an environmental product declaration (EPD) in accordance with DIN 15804 for your company.

Contact us!

Kathrin Dellantonio

Managing Director Switzerland, Co-Executive Director Foundation myclimate

+41 44 500 43 50

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