Agroforestry as afforestation's little sister

International forest projects have received a lot of attention in recent years. Somewhat unnoticed, myclimate has launched three pioneering carbon offset programmes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. These agrofrost programmes have initiated a small "tree turnaround" in agriculture, which is now gradually bearing fruit. myclimate is looking for more farmers, especially in Germany and Austria, who would like to contribute to climate protection with trees and benefit from the many advantages.


Agroforestry as another piece of the climate protection puzzle 

In simple terms, agroforestry is the planting of trees on agricultural land. The trees are placed in such a way that the arable and pastureland underneath can continue to be used for agriculture. This integration of trees into agriculture not only contributes to carbon reductions by storing CO₂ from the atmosphere in the form of carbon in trees and soil, but also promotes biodiversity and creates habitats for a variety of animals. Agroforestry also helps to counter the effects of climate change. The root systems of the trees promote the redistribution of water from deeper soil layers, while the canopies provide shade, reducing evaporation. This can be particularly valuable in times of drought and extreme weather. 


Three cheers for the tree-turn! 

Two recent reports show how important trees could be for agricultural producers in Europe. The current Bodenatlas (Soil Atlas) 2024 highlights agroforestry as a top measure for increasing the CO2 storage capacity of agricultural land (see Böll-Stiftung, p. 30). And the European Agroforestry Federation emphasises in a recent press release that the gap in greenhouse gas emissions from the European land sector could be filled, for example, by extending agroforestry to fields on a large scale (see EURAF press release). 


Pilot programme leading the way in promoting agroforestry  

In 2017, myclimate, together with the Swiss wholesale distributor Coop, launched an initial pilot programme for agroforestry on Swiss organic farms. This agroforestry programme was part of a 1.4 million Swiss franc climate protection initiative in the Coop supply chain. The groundbreaking programme used up the budget for new farms in 2023, and no further applications can be accepted.  

The experience gained from the pilot programme was incorporated into two further support programmes: the Support programme for standard fruit trees together with Hochstamm Suisse, also for Swiss farms, and the Agroforestry support programme together with SilvoCultura, which has been extended to Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein, i.e. the entire German-speaking region. 

Another highlight is that the Coop programme serves as an example for the European Carbon Removal Certification Framework (EU CRCF), a future EU-wide certification framework for carbon storage projects, which was recently adopted by the European Parliament. The findings of a project from the voluntary carbon market have thus contributed to the development of official EU regulations.


More than 15,000 trees have already been planted thanks to the three support programmes 

There is a lot of interest on the part of both farmers and companies that want to promote regional climate protection. A total of 28,908 trees on 210 farms have now been registered under the three programmes. 14.750 trees have already been planted and are being maintained.  

“The programme covers the initial costs of planting trees, which I am very pleased about. The advice given by Mareike Jäger from SilvoCultura helped me a lot. She came to the farm shortly after registration and we exchanged views. There are few experts on agroforestry, and especially few who are also familiar with established systems.” 

Tilika Chamberlin, farmer, participant in the agroforestry promotion programme 

The time is ripe for agroforestry: take advantage and register now!  

The support programme for the farm depends on the type of farm and location. The table below shows the main criteria and differences between the two support programmes. In this way, farmers who want to establish trees on their arable and pastureland can see at a glance what makes the most sense for their farm. It is important that no planting has taken place prior to the application for myclimate’s support programmes. No retroactive funding will be paid out. 

Agroforestry support programme

  • All four countries are eligible: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein 
  • at least 70 trees  
  • Broad eligibility of trees, fruit trees, wild fruit trees, timber trees and other deciduous trees 
  • 100.-/tree in CH, AT, LI and 50.-/tree in DE (paid in two instalments) ) 
  • Two free on-site consultations 

Registration form and all details at SilvoCultura (for further questions please contact

Förderprogramm Hochstamm 

  • Only Swiss companies are eligible 
  • At least 10 trees 
  • BFF II must be fulfilled 
  • Membership of Hochstamm-Suisse 
  • 105.-/tree (one-off payment) 

Registration form and all details at  HochstammSuisse (for further questions please contact


Supporting regional climate protection on the doorstep 

Companies and organisations that would like to support nature-based and regional climate protection on their doorstep can do so through financial contributions or donations. As part of this commitment, myclimate offers the opportunity to visit the projects on site.  

The standardised tree is particularly valuable for regenerative agriculture. By cultivating standard trees, we promote biodiversity, protect cultivated landscapes and contribute to climate protection. 

Pierre Coulin, Managing Director Hochstamm Suisse 

Further information and application forms can be found on the websites of the respective funding programmes. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a project visit, please contact our team at or visit our Website

Links to funding programmes and further information: 
Agroforestry support programme for the entire DACHLI region
Support programme for standard fruit trees in Switzerland
Coop agroforestry pilot programme
Video on the agroforestry programme;
Podcast series on agroforestry, episode 18 presents the programme of myclimate and SilvoCultura

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