Domestic Climate Protection Projects

With our high-quality domestic projects, we are a driving force for quantifiable climate protection in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. Our climate protection projects cover the areas of renewable energies, energy efficiency, nature, mobility and agriculture and they contribute to sustainable development.

A basic distinction is made between the compliance (mandatory) and voluntary markets. Our high quality criteria and standards apply for both. These include attestations according to Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)/Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) guidelines as well as emissions reductions that are registered by myclimate (myclimate CH VER).


Mandatory CO2 market (FOEN registered)

Since 2013 and in all likelihood until the end of 2030, the revised CO₂ Act requires fuel importers in Switzerland to enact offsetting measures. They are required to domestically offset a portion of the CO₂ emissions generated by transport fuel with emissions reduction attestations. The FOEN is the enforcement authority for CO2 regulations. It approves and registers projects and issues CO2 attestations.


Voluntary CO2 market

In addition, our portfolio offers numerous projects domestically for the voluntary support of climate protection projects based on balanced CO2 emissions for private individuals and companies.


Below you will find a list of all myclimate climate protection projects in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein for your private or business climate protection financing in the voluntary and compliance carbon markets:

Stay informed!