Environmental Product Declaration (EN 15804)

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are the standard to communicate meaningfully and effectively the environmental impacts of your products. They are widely used in the construction and building materials sector.

What are the benefits of an EPD environmental product declaration?

A blue icon showing a modern building complex with a tall tower and a terraced structure. Represents sustainable architecture.

The environmental and climate key figures of an EPD form the foundation for your sustainable corporate management and extended product responsibility.

A blue icon of a magnifying glass, representing search or analysis.

An EPD provides you with the necessary data basis to identify and optimise emission sources along the value chain.

A blue icon of a document with three checkboxes, representing a task list or checklist.

With an EPD, you have the information basis and source of evidence for ecological building certification according to DGNB, LEED, BREEAM. You also promote the circular economy and sustainable public procurement.

A blue checkmark icon, representing task completion or confirmation.

The Bauproduktenverordnung (BauPVO) explicitly recommends EPDs as a source of information to demonstrate sustainable resource use and the environmental impact of construction works.

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What are EPDs: The ecological certificate for building products

Comprised in an EPD document the product data is scientifically sound, factual and unbiased summarized in a uniform format –  a kind of ecological ID for the construction product. In addition to the LCA performance, the EPD also provides general information on the product characteristics and technical specifications. Therefore, the quantitative information contained in EPDs is suitable for distribution, technical support as well as sales and marketing purposes.

EPDs for building materials and construction products are an official source for the sustainability assessment of buildings and components. They permit ecological aspects to be included and therefore are recognised by Green Building Certification systems such as DGNBLEEDBREEAM and BNB.
They are increasingly being used as a requirement in tenders, enhancing not only the market position of construction product manufacturers but also the access to publicly-advertised construction projects.


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): The core of an EPD for sustainable building products

The Life Cycle Assessment is the core of an EPD, analysing a product over its entire lifespan: from raw material extraction, the manufacturing process throughout its installation up to the end-of-life stage and disposal. All material and energy supplies required for the production of the construction material are recorded and analysed. The results provide projected and actual environmental impacts of the product.

With over 1300 EPDs, the construction sector is taking a leading role regarding the disclosure of environmental impacts of its products. As a pioneer of EPD application, the buildings industry is already shaping the future towards a sustainable construction. The industry takes responsibility for increasing demand of resources and energy as well as the generated emissions and waste.


Our Service

As experienced LCA experts, we have been specialised in the creation and implementation of environmental product declarations for many years. We accompany you reliably from the initial consultation to the finished EPD.

  • Creation of the environmental product declaration (EPD) for your building products in compliance with international standards (ISO 14040/14044, ISO 14025, EN 15804)
  • Project and process management creation and certification of the EPD; coordination between manufacturer and program operator
  • Updates of pre-existing EPDs
  • Transfer of EPDs into the US-American ULe format and creation of so-called HPDs (Health Product Declarations), which are particularly requested in the US building materials market
  • Product-specific assessment and LCA comparison of products
  • Assessments on improving the ecological performance of your products

More about the topic

Your contact person

Irina Brehm

Team Leader Consulting and Solutions

+49 30 549092012

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